Friday 13 October 2017

Sir Alex Ferguson soccer psychologist behavioural expert.

The greatest football manager of all time , teaches successful management through his books. Sir Alex Ferguson reveals secrets of his success to Harvard academics

In this inspirational and straight-talking new book named Leading, Sir Alex reveals the secrets behind his record-breaking career.Any book by Sir Alex Ferguson will be good.

Sir Alex Ferguson's autobiography  is also worth a read  .

                   Alex Ferguson: My Autobiography

If footballers don't understand the mind ,how it works subconsciously in football , the players can not have any plans for the 90% risk of under performance due to psychology.It is with the mind where players lose football games due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional skills executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in football , beliefs in football , subconscious errors , brain command centre shutdown during a game , brain freezing on formation executions ,the power the thought , negative wiring of human brain and it's performance in football ,meditation , unreality reading of the real football conditions,cognitive biases in  decisions , mental traps , benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatience , impulsiveness , self sabotage in skills executions , stress responses , amygdala hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics.

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